Kaushalendra Singh Rathore

Kaushalendra Foundation for Public Affairs & Professional Excellence

Setup as a charitable body for the promotion of national and emotional integration of India, the Kaushlendra Foundation for Public Affairs and Professional Excellence is committed to performing the role of an institutional change agent for bringing about professional excellence at organisational levels and social harmony at cultural strata.

The Foundation imparts training and education besides undertaking research in all areas of human endeavour for the development, enrichment and enlargement of the social, educational and cultural life of people. Beneath these prime objective is the mission of propagating the values of Satya, Dharma and Nyaya.

Programmes of the Foundation are continuously evolved and designed with the aim of producing a striking blend of the professional and cultural dimensions of human expertise. The Foundation strives to work for bringing about excellence in the areas of public and civic administration, industrial and environmental management, tourism development and education, fine arts and literature, etc. It is also intended to facilitate cultivation and appreciation of Indian culture, heritage, philosophy and values.

A Profile of Kaushalendra Foundation

The Kaushalendra Foundation for Public Affairs and Professional Excellence, Bangalore established in January 1992, is dedicated to the glorious memory of Shri Kaushalendra Singh Rathore, a devoted teacher, social worker and crusader hailing from District Lakhimpur-Kheri, (UP). It intends to accomplish the purpose by carrying forward his unfinished work and pursuing the goals and dreams which were cherished by him till his end on 13th November 1991. A brief resume about him and the causes dear to him described hereunder sets the background of the objectives of the Foundation which will be the guiding factors throughout its existence.

About Kaushalendra Singh Rathore

Shri Kaushalendra Singh Rathore was born on 5th October 1918 as the third son of Shri Prabhu Dayal Singh (Rathore)-an upright and reputed lawyer of Lakhimpur-Kheri, a remote district in Tarai region of UP (then Avadh). This family (the descendents of Rathores who fought a relentless battle against the British Raj in India since 1857), under pressure from Britishers migrated to Tarai region (bordering Nepal) from central parts of UP in the aftermath of suppression of the First War of Indian independence (often called Mutiny of 1857). Despite personal hardships sufferred at the hands of British Government, the family strived to pass on the message of independence, freedom and knowledge from generation to generation. Shri Prabhu Dayal Singh carrying forward this resolve of the family embarked upon the sole mission of expanding 'education' in this backward area by opening and running educational institutions in pre-independent India. Shri Kaushalendra under the able guidance of his father took early education in the same town in Dharma Sabha Vidyalaya-an institution set up by the family itself and thereafter joined Agra University from where he obtained his Master's Degree in Political Science. Having imbibed the philosophy of his father, he had vowed not to serve the British Government and hence relinquishing an offer of appointment under State Government, decided to take to education started service as a teacher in 1938. He retired as a Lecturer in Political science from D. S. Inter College in 1979. After retirement, he engaged himself in social work, religious and devotional activities and became a prominent public figure in the district. He enjoyed high respect and regard from all concerned who came in contact with him, specially the student community which was guided and taught by him till the end of his last days. His three sons (who owe their present stations in life due to the untiring efforts and guidance of their parents-specially Shri Kaushalendra) went into Government service only after independence of the country and are presently occupying high positions at different places in the country. As and when he visited them, he acquainted himself with the local culture, customs and conventions and had understood the length and breadth of the country. His interface and interaction with the South and Southern culture started with the posting of his rted with youngest son to South and there was no looking back thereafter. The South fascinated him in all respects and a confirmed Northerner had started converting to the charms and ethos of South India. This continuous touch with the South since 1983 onwards, steeled his resolve to start some educational and cultural activities in South, particularly in Karnataka, with the clear objective of promoting and strengthening interaction and exchange of Northern and Southern cultures as manifestation of true national integration, but God had willed otherwise. In deference to his desire, the Foundation has been started in South i.e., in Karnataka and it is from here that his work, values, philosophy and message would be propagated through out the country.

Shri Kaushalendra as a dedicated teacher was not only himself unrivalled in his professional standards, but also inspired and motivated those who came in touch with him to pursue professional excellence. Once he entered public life, he was the prime mover in taking up many public causes, viz., teachers' welfare, poor students' education, setting up of primary educational institutions, marriage of girls from poor families as well as many civic matters. In his last few years, he was deeply involved in religious affairs of 'Hindu' society. He sincerely tried to bring back pride amongst Hindu masses, which has continuously suffered an erosion of self-respect during the last 1,000 years. Of course, he fondly believed in co-existence of all religions on Indian soil, and he wished that national integration. should be accorded top priority by all religions and religious groups but no religion under any circumstances should become a cause or excuse for emergence or sprouting of any fissiparious tendencies in the country, much less far advantage being taken by social, communal or political elements.

The Foundation, comprising trustees from all over India (including his sons), echoes the same ethos of national integration. Its name is truly representative of his beliefs and aspirations. The objectives of the Foundation clearly reflect his abiding faith and commitment to national integration, Indian culture, service of the poor and needy, and spread of education amongst all the people.

Thus, the Kaushalendra Foundation for Public Affairs and Professional Excellence, has been set up as a charitable trust (recognised under Sec 80 G of Income Tax Act, 1961) with the distinct aim of promoting national and emotional integration of India through propagation of cardinal principles of 'Satya, Dharma and Nyaya'. Vehicles for translating this into reality would be training, education, research in all areas of human endeavour which can result in development of professional as well as betterment of social, cultural and educational life of all people.

Towards pursuit of these objectives, the Foundation would, inter-alia,

  1. Work for inculcating among the present generation the universal values of Satya, Dharma and Nyaya as enshrined in the Indian scriptures and as perceived through the traditions and history of India for promoting national and emotional in- tegration of the country.
  2. Undertake research in activities re- lated to commerce, trade, business and en- vironmental problems in the country so as to evolve measures leading to improvement in individual and organisational produc- tivity.
  3. Establish 'Chairs', endowments, scholarships and provide funding assis- tance to researchers, investigators and stu- dents in any field, academic or non-academic, which can contribute to im- proving the quality of material, social and cultural dimensions of human life.
  4. Encourage promotion of fine arts, high degree of sportsmanship and litera- ture,etc., and carry out activities for the preservation and propagation of the cultural heritage of India for re-establishing various positive values in the Society.
  5. Study and analyse problems and issues in civic and social affairs with a view to recommending ways and means for at- taining moral and spiritual awakening among people.

Towards pursuit of these objectives, the Foundation would, inter-alia,

  1. Conducting or sponsoring lectures, meetings, training courses, formalised in- struction programmes, seminars, discus- sions, symposia, conferences, films, displays, exhibitions, radio or television programmes, visits, tours, surveys, reports and research projects for liberation of human mind concerning social educational and cultural values.
  2. Producing, editing, printing, publishing and distributing literature, books, monographs, journals, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, audio and video films and cassettes, etc,. for the purpose of education, instruction and guidance on all aspects of life.
  3. Starting and running colleges, train- ing institutes, polytechnics, museums, laboratories, libraries, study circles, academic centres and such other institutions in India.
  4. Carrying on activities for the preser- vation, promotion and propagation of the cultural heritage of India.
  5. Studying and analysing various problems and issues of public life, civic/so- cial affairs and environment.
  6. Co-ordinating and collaborating with allied institutions, professional bodies, associations, societies and other agencies in Government, industry developmental bodies, etc., so as to share information, experiences, publications and resources for promoting all or any of the above objects.